On that note, I need to confess to something horrible I did a few weeks ago. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had some scans done at Altaview Hospital at the beginning of November that showed some nodules in my lungs. Although I now know that the nodules were nothing more than inflammation, for a few weeks I thought I was dealing with stage IV melanoma. So when I got a phone call from Altaview asking me for feedback on my recent visit to their hospital, I couldn't help thinking that the visit could have gone better. I managed to control myself as the woman on the other end of the phone, who sounded like a typical bouncy blonde cheerful Utah 24 year old, asked me to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 statements like "The technicians made sure to call me by name." But when she got to the end of the phone call and asked "Is there anything we could have done to make your experience better?" I paused for a moment before giving in to temptation: "You mean other than not finding cancer in my lungs? No, nothing comes to mind." The poor girl had no idea how to respond, and I feel slightly bad for subjecting her to my black humor, but the stunned silence on her end of the line made my morning.
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